WILLEMS SCHMIDT Advocaten & Rechtsanwälte
WILLEMS SCHMIDT Advocaten & Rechtsanwälte is a law firm with a commercial practice. The office, founded in 1948, is present in Amsterdam and Düsseldorf. One of the lawyers has been admitted to the bar in Germany, where, in cooperation with German lawyers, advice and litigation is given under German law.
We advise and represent large and small companies, both nationally and internationally. We also represent private interests, especially when these are closely related to companies belonging to our clientele.
The objective of our firm: “striving for ‘the right balance’”, is reflected in the way in which clients’ affairs are handled. The interests of the client always come first. We establish and maintain direct lines of communication with the client. We act in a cost-efficient and expeditious manner, whereby quality is paramount under all circumstances. Cost efficiency is promoted by the layout and structure of the office; we work together with colleagues located elsewhere who have added value to us through their knowledge and experience. This enables a wide range of services at competitive prices without additional overhead.
The specialists with whom we maintain close contact – lawyers and jurists elsewhere, civil-law notaries, tax advisers, criminal lawyers and specialist EU law experts – may be asked to assist us in dealing with matters beyond our scope if necessary. In case our clients have already established contacts with such specialists, maintaining these relationships is encouraged.
When deemed appropriate, second opinions are requested from relevant experts admitted to the Bar or affiliated with universities.

Nederlandse Orde van Advocaten
The Nederlandse Orde van Advocaten (NOvA) is the public-law professional organization of the legal profession. The NOvA was established on the basis of the Lawyers Act on 1 October 1952. All lawyers in the Netherlands collectively form the NOvA. Read more

Italian Chamber of Commerce for the Netherlands
The office is a member of the Italian Chamber of Commerce for the Netherlands (IKvK). The IKvK aims to promote trade between Italy and the Netherlands. Read more

Österreichischer Rechtsanwaltsverein
The Association of Austrian Lawyers focuses on the advocacy of lawyers and the promotion of legal practice in Austria. They organize conferences, provide training opportunities and publish legal journals and books.
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Alliance of Business Lawyers
The firm is a member of Alliance of Business Lawyers, a network of law firms closely related to Integra International, a global network of accountants, tax advisers and consultants. Read more

The Bundesrechtsanwaltskammer (BRAK) is the umbrella organization of the 27 Bar Associations (professional associations) and the Bar Association of the Federal Court of Justice (BGH). Members are therefore only the aforementioned bar associations, not individual lawyers.
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Die Wiener Rechtsanwälte
The Vienna Bar Association not only represents the interests of all lawyers based in Vienna, but also acts as a point of contact for anyone seeking legal advice.
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Austrian Business Agency
This Austrian government organization is responsible for promoting foreign investment in Austria and supporting Austrian companies in expanding into international markets. They provide guidance and advice to companies and investors, and provide information on business opportunities and investment conditions in Austria.
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Deutscher Anwaltverein
DAV Nederland is an association of lawyers with special knowledge about doing business between the Netherlands and Germany. Read more

German-Dutch Chamber of Commerce
The office is a member of the German-Dutch Chamber of Commerce. When it comes to business contacts and market entry in the neighboring country, the German-Dutch Chamber of Commerce is the first point of contact. Read more

Die Österreichischen Rechtsanwalte
The Austrian Bar Association is responsible for regulating the legal profession and ensuring the quality of legal services in Austria.
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Overview areas of expertise
Aansprakelijkheidsrecht en verzekeringsrecht
Arbeidsrecht en medezeggenschapsrecht
Bank- en effectenrecht
Bestuurs- en milieurecht
Bouwrecht en projectontwikkeling
Fusies & overnames (inclusief due dilligence en legal audit)
Hippisch Recht
Intellectueel eigendomsrecht en ICT
(Internationaal) handelsrecht
Onroerend goedrecht
Economisch strafrecht
Ruimtelijke ordening